"The 'Return of Beauty'? New Perspectives on the restitution of Looted Art during Fascism“ (GER | IT)

Deutsches Studienzentrum in Venice (in presence and online)
AG Italien of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V.

Evening lecture by Bianca Gaudenzi (DHI Rome | Free University of Bozen) and Christian Fuhrmeister (Central Institute of Art History Munich), with an introduction by Simon Levis Sullam (Ca’ Foscari University Venice). Organized by the working group Italy of the Arbeitskreis Provenienzforschung e.V. within the program of the 6th International Provenance Research Day 2024.

Link to the event: http://www.dszv.it/it/events/event/conferenze-nuove-restituzione-dei-beni-culturali/
Link to join the event online: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86852429083?pwd=Ba0kgHD1W1oDJzi8QMRs5BK2HjzHvq.1