Restitutions / Notifications
Notification of Restitutions
Please Note
The information provided will be collected, stored, processed and used exclusively in connection with and in fulfilment of the Foundation’s statutory tasks. Insofar as personal data is involved, the collection, storage, processing and use of this data is carried out solely to the extent permitted by the provisions of the Federal Data Protection Act. Otherwise, use of the online reporting channel is entirely voluntary.
Please only report restitutions or other just and fair solutions that you have not previously reported to the Foundation or to the former Koordinierungsstelle (Coordination Office) Magdeburg, which was merged into the Foundation in 2015. The register that has been kept to date will be supplemented and continued, not replaced.
Just and Fair Solutions
The film is available free of charge for download.
It may be used and distributed under the licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0.
© German Lostart Foundation, bildbad