
The press department will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Here you will also find current press releases and press photographs for download for the purpose of reporting on the Foundation.

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German Lost Art Foundation
Lena Grundhuber

Humboldtstr. 12
39112 Magdeburg
Phone: +49 (0) 391 727 763 35

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Press images

Here you can download current press images issued by the German Lost Art Foundation, which you may use free of charge for editorial reporting about the Foundation. Please observe the Terms and Conditions of Use in all cases.

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Press releases

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Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
The German Lost Art Foundation is dedicating its next annual conference to the subject of ‘provenance research and photography’.
Colonial contexts
In 2023 the German Lost Art Foundation approved a total of 13 projects on the subject of cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts.
Nazi-looted cultural property
German Lost Art Foundation marks 25 years of the Washington Principles.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The German Lost Art Foundation hands over a crucifix to the descendants of the Jewish collector Ottmar Strauss.
Soviet zone / GDR
German Lost Art Foundation publishes expert opinion on the legal assessment of cultural property confiscations in the Soviet Occupation Zone and the GDR.
Nazi-looted cultural property
In the first round of funding in 2023, the German Lost Art Foundation has granted a total of some 1.76 million euros for provenance research into Nazi-looted cultural property.
Colonial contexts
Under the second round of funding in 2022, the German Lost Art Foundation is awarding around 1.37 million euros for provenance research projects in colonial contexts.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Provenance research is often an issue when it comes to the restitution of valuable works of art. But at its autumn conference, the German Lost Art Foundation will look at the work of provenance researchers that goes beyond prominent cases: the two-day digital conference on 14 and 15 November 2022, entitled Die Peripherie im Zentrum. Vergessenes, Verdrängtes und Vernachlässigtes in der Provenienzforschung (“The periphery at the centre. What is forgotten, suppressed and neglected in provenance research”) deliberately focuses on seemingly insignificant places, everyday objects and unknown names.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Ex­ec­u­tive Board of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has ap­proved some 2.1 mil­lion eu­ros for prove­nance re­search to be con­duct­ed at mu­se­ums, li­braries and aca­dem­ic in­sti­tu­tions as well as for pri­vate ap­pli­cants.