Explanatory Videos

The German Lost Art Foundation makes short, animated explanatory videos available for use free of charge in order to support the educational work done by cultural heritage institutions. They can be embedded in multimedia guides, media stations and on websites, for example.

Note on use:The explanatory videos are published under the Creative Commons licence CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International). The German-language videos are available with or without English subtitles.

Explanatory film “What is provenance research?”

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Explanatory film “What are just and fair solutions?”

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Explanatory film “What is the Lost Art Database?”

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Explanatory film "The theft of cultural property by the National Socialists"

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Explanatory film "The looting of cultural goods and collections in colonial contexts"

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Explanatory film "The looting of cultural property in Soviet occupation zone and GDR"

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