The series "Working Paper Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste“

In the series "Working Paper Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste" the German Lost Art Foundation intermittently publishes current research papers online from all funding areas and the Foundation’s general activities. These include dossiers, guidelines, research aids, research reports and overviews of cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution (so-called Nazi-looted art), war-related removal or relocation of cultural assets (so-called trophy art), expropriation of cultural property in the Soviet occupation zone and the GDR, and cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts. The Working Papers are available for download free of charge at

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Cover Working Paper 8-2024
Soviet zone / GDR

Working Paper 8/2024

Michael Busch: „Der Staatliche Kunsthandel der DDR im Spiegel der Akten der Arbeiter-und-Bauern-Inspektion. Ein Forschungsdesiderat“

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Cover Working Paper 7-2024
Colonial contexts

Working Paper 7/2024

Katja Kaiser, Catarina Madruga: „Tagging Objects from Colonial Contexts. A Decision Tree for Natural History Collections“

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Working Paper 6/2024
Colonial contexts

Working Paper 6/2024

Gesa Grimme and Larissa Förster: „Locating Namibian Cultural Heritage in Museums and Universities in German-Speaking Countries. A Finding Aid for Provenance Research

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Working Paper 5/2023
Soviet zone / GDR

Working Paper 5/2023

Peter Danker-Carstensen: ,Die Zustände […] sind als katastrophal zu beschreiben.’ Der Untersuchungsausschuss Verschwundene Kulturgüter der Rostocker Bürgerschaft“

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Cover Working Paper 4/2022
Colonial contexts

Working Paper 4/2022

Eva Künkler: "Koloniale Gewalt in Deutsch-Neuguinea und der Raub kultureller Objekte und menschlicher Überreste: Eine systematische Übersicht zu Militärgewalt und sogenannten Strafexpeditionen in deutschen Kolonialgebieten in Ozeanien (1884–1914)"

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Cover Working Paper 3/2022
Colonial contexts

Working Paper 3/2022

Rikke Gram and Zoe Schoofs: "Germany’s history of returning human remains and objects from colonial contexts: An overview of successful cases and unsettled claims between 1970 and 2021"

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Cover Working Paper 4/2022
Colonial contexts

Working Paper 2/2022

Eva Künkler: Koloniale Gewalt und der Raub kultureller Objekte und menschlicher Überreste. Eine systematische Übersicht zu Militärgewalt und sogenannten Strafexpeditionen in deutschen Kolonialgebieten in Afrika (1884–1919)

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.

Titelmotiv Working Paper 1/2021
Colonial contexts

Working Paper 1/2021

Lars Müller: Returns of Cultural Artefacts and Human Remains in a (Post)colonial Context : Mapping Claims between the mid-19th Century and the 1970s

Avail­able free of charge at, the publication platform of the Max Weber Foundation.