Title of the Periodical “Provenance & Research”


The German Lost Art Foundation has produced several publications and organised events on the subject of Cultural Goods and Collections from Colonial Contexts: these are available for viewing and listening to in the documentation section.


The German Lost Art Foundation has published a number of papers on the subject of cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts. For example, several publications on the debate surrounding returns and colonial violence in Africa and Oceania have appeared in the series “Working Paper Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste”: In addition, one issue of the periodical “Provenance & Research” [2/2020] is dedicated to provenance research on cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts. It is also available as an e-book in English. Furthermore the German Lost Art Foundation has published the fourth volume of the series "Provenire" which adresses the long debate about the return of cultural property and ancestral remains to former colonial territories.

Working Paper series
The “Working Paper” series
Here you will also find publications relating to the debate on return and on the subject of colonial violence in Africa and Oceania.
Ausschnitt eines Buchcovers
The series “Provenire“
Volume 4 of the series “Provenire” addresses the long debate about the return of cultural property and ancestral remains to former colonial territories.

Guideline for Interdisciplinary Provenance Research

Jointly with the Berlin Medical History Museum of the Charité and ICOM Germany, the Foundation has also published the guideline “Interdisziplinäre Provenienzforschung zu menschlichen Überresten aus kolonialen Kontexten” (“Interdisciplinary provenance research on human remains from colonial contexts”).

This offers a practical introduction to provenance research on human remains from colonial contexts. It focuses on German institutions and includes an appendix outlining the situation in Austria. The main target groups are anthropological, anatomical and medical-historical collections of human remains held at universities, as well as those at natural history museums, ethnological museums, and multi-disciplinary museums. The guideline focuses on an interdisciplinary approach and a combination of methodologies. It contains detailed notes on the historical and anthropological methods used in provenance research as well as on the documentation of research findings. The transcultural and transnational dimensions of provenance research are also discussed.


In 2021, the Foundation held an international conference on “The Long History of Claims for the Return of Cultural Heritage from Colonial Contexts”, which looked at how the restitution debate emerged. The conference is fully documented and a transcript is to be published, too. Furthermore the foundation has published a book on the conference.

In addition, the series Kolloquium Provenienzforschung organised by the Foundation regularly features contributions from the field of cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts. These have included discussion events dedicated to the subject of colonial violence against the people of Papua New Guinea to mark the publication of the book “Das Prachtboot” by historian Götz Aly, for example, as well as on the challenges of digital provenance research and the possibilities of artistic provenance research on human remains.

Overview of Exhibitions

Here you will find a list of exhibitions that have come to the attention of the Foundation which relate to the subject of cultural property losses and seizures in the various historical contexts.
Wartime losses represented as large-format black-and-white reproductions as part of the exhibition “Das verschwundene Museum. Die Berliner Gemälde- und Skulpturensammlungen 70 Jahre nach Kriegsende” (“The vanished museum. The Berlin painting and sculpture collections 70 years after the end of the war”) at the Bode Museum Berlin

Further Content

Pustaha, a "Spell Book" from the island of Sumatra, which is now in the Greiz Collection of Books and Engravings.
Basics & Overview
Basic information on the colonial period, provenance research in colonial contexts and the actors involved
Writings collection of Museum Fünf Kontinente München
Funding & Proposals
Information and documents on the funding of provenance research in the area of “Cultural Goods and Collections from Colonial Contexts”
Benin bronzes in the permanent exhibition of the Übersee-Museum.
The situation regarding the return of cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts – including prominent examples