Media Library

The media library contains all the Foundation’s publications along with documentation of the events it has organised. The blog includes reviews and articles from scholarly practice, for example. Here you will also find explanatory videos on questions of provenance research.

Cover "Provenire" volume 2
The German Lost Art Foundation publishes three series: the periodical “Provenance & Research” appears once a year, scholarly articles are published in the series “Provenire”, and the series “Working Paper Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste” features articles on current research topics published in open access. This section also contains the publications produced by the former Koordinierungsstelle (Coordination Office) Magdeburg.
In our blog, we provide insights into the projects we support, present important new publications and exhibitions on the subject of provenance research, report on conferences, and talk about how previously looted items of cultural property have found their way back to their rightful owners.

Latest Blog Posts

Romane zum NS-Kunstraub liegen auf einem Tisch
Uwe Fleckner’s first novel (and the Nazi-looted art thriller as a literary genre)
Mann vor Landschaft in Tanzania
"Provenance research and photography" II: Feeling colonialism in collaborative research on photographs and ethnographic 'objects'
Ansicht eines Datensatzes
"Provenance research and photography" I: The effects of digitality on the handling of photographs
Panel discussion in the town hall hall
Event Documentation
Here you can view and listen to past colloquia and conferences organised by the German Lost Art Foundation.
Video Poster image Fair and just solutions
Explanatory Videos
The German Lost Art Foundation makes short, animated explanatory videos available for use free of charge in order to support the educational work done by cultural heritage institutions.