
The press department will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Here you will also find current press releases and press photographs for download for the purpose of reporting on the Foundation.

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German Lost Art Foundation
Lena Grundhuber

Humboldtstr. 12
39112 Magdeburg
Phone: +49 (0) 391 727 763 35

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Press releases

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Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Soviet zone / GDR
In 2021, the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion will re­ceive a to­tal of 1.5 mil­lion Eu­ros more than last year.
Soviet zone / GDR
The Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion is shed­ding light on a field in prove­nance re­search that has so far been lit­tle dis­cussed in pub­lic: the do­mes­tic and for­eign trade in art and
an­tiq­ui­ties on the ter­ri­to­ry of the for­mer GDR be­tween 1945 and 1990.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The board of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has ap­proved around 1.97 mil­lion Eu­ros in fund­ing for the sec­ond ap­pli­ca­tion round in 2020 for prove­nance re­search at mu­se­ums, li­braries, aca­dem­ic in­sti­tu­tions and for three pri­vate in­di­vid­u­als.
Colonial contexts
In or­der to clar­i­fy the ori­gin of col­lec­tions from colo­nial con­texts, the board of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion in Magde­burg has now ap­proved eight re­search ap­pli­ca­tions from mu­se­ums and uni­ver­si­ties in the sec­ond ap­pli­ca­tion round 2020.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
Against the back­drop of the coro­n­avirus cri­sis, the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion warns against mak­ing sav­ings on prove­nance re­search in Ger­man cul­tur­al in­sti­tu­tions.
Colonial contexts
In or­der to clar­i­fy the prove­nance of ob­jects from colo­nial con­texts in Ger­man in­sti­tu­tions, the Ex­ec­u­tive Board of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion in Magde­burg has ap­proved five new re­search ap­pli­ca­tions from mu­se­ums and uni­ver­si­ties in the first ap­pli­ca­tion round of 2020.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
Gilbert Lupfer, who pre­vi­ous­ly held an hon­orary po­si­tion on the Foun­da­tion’s Ex­ec­u­tive Board, is now its sole mem­ber.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Ex­ec­u­tive Board of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has ap­proved ap­prox. €2.87 mil­lion for prove­nance re­search ac­tiv­i­ties at mu­se­ums, li­braries and aca­dem­ic in­sti­tu­tions, and al­so for four pri­vate in­di­vid­u­als.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Af­ter com­ple­tion of the sys­tem­at­ic study, the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has now
re­leased a sci­en­tif­ic pub­li­ca­tion on the “Gurlitt Art Trove”.
Soviet zone / GDR
Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion and the Fed­er­al Com­mis­sion­er for Stasi Records pub­lish a new re­search tool for prove­nance re­search.