
The press department will be happy to answer any questions you may have! Here you will also find current press releases and press photographs for download for the purpose of reporting on the Foundation.

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German Lost Art Foundation
Lena Grundhuber

Humboldtstr. 12
39112 Magdeburg
Phone: +49 (0) 391 727 763 35

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Press releases

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Soviet zone / GDR
The Foun­da­tion will co­op­er­ate with two key part­ners: the Han­nah Arendt In­sti­tute for Re­search on To­tal­i­tar­i­an­ism (HAIT) at the Dres­den Uni­ver­si­ty of Tech­nol­o­gy and the Fed­er­al Com­mis­sion­er for the Records of the State Se­cu­ri­ty Ser­vice of the for­mer Ger­man Demo­crat­ic Re­pub­lic (BStU).
Nazi-looted cultural property
In the first ap­pli­ca­tion round of 2017 the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion’s ex­ec­u­tive board ap­proved 22 ap­pli­ca­tions from mu­se­ums, li­braries, aca­dem­ic in­sti­tu­tions and archives.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Dig­i­tized busi­ness doc­u­ments from the es­tate of art deal­er Cor­nelius Gurlitt can now be viewed in the read­ing rooms of the Fed­er­al Archive and used for prove­nance re­search. Pre­lim­i­nary work for the Gurlitt Prove­nance Re­search project forms the ba­sis for re­search in­to the art deal­er’s busi­ness doc­u­ments.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion is pro­vid­ing access to the find­ings of prove­nance re­search projects sup­port­ed with pub­lic funds since 2008.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
The art his­to­ri­an Prof. Dr. Gilbert Lupfer will take up his po­si­tion as the new hon­orary ex­ec­u­tive board of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion on 1 April 2017.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Conference of the German Lost Art Foundation: "The search for Nazi-confiscated property – Provenance research in Saxony-Anhalt"
Nazi-looted cultural property
An arche­o­log­i­cal mu­se­um in Frank­furt am Main and a ship­ping mu­se­um in Bre­mer­haven will ex­am­ine their own hold­ings for Nazi-con­fis­cat­ed prop­er­ty for the first time.
Soviet zone / GDR
The con­fer­ence of the German Lost Art Foundation on Novem­ber 21, 2016 gave an overview of the cur­rent state of re­search in­to the con­fis­ca­tion of cul­tur­al as­sets in the So­vi­et Oc­cu­pa­tion Zone and the GDR.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Monika Grütters: "one of Ger­many’s most dis­tin­guished cul­tur­al politi­cians"
Nazi-looted cultural property
The for­mer pres­i­dent of the Fed­er­al Con­sti­tu­tion­al Court Jut­ta Lim­bach has passed away. State Min­is­ter of Cul­tur­al Af­fairs Grüt­ters hon­oured the le­gal schol­ar, politi­cian and wom­an of cul­ture.

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