Annalena Baerbock (Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs) and Claudia Roth (Minister of State for Culture) handing over two art objects to their Nigerian counterparts Minister of Culture Lai Mohammed and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Zubairo Dada.
Colonial contexts

German Lost Art Foundation welcomes imminent return of Benin bronzes to Nigeria

Gilbert Lupfer, Di­rec­tor of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion, says he wel­comes the planned re­turn of the Benin bronzes from Ger­many to Nige­ria: “This has the po­ten­tial to mark the be­gin­ning of a new era of how Ger­many deals with ev­i­dence of its bloody colo­nial past. Most im­por­tant­ly, the pro­ce­dure has been de­vel­oped joint­ly with the Nige­ri­an gov­ern­ment and nu­mer­ous stake­hold­ers in Nige­ria.”