Colonial contexts

Deadline extended: Call for Papers - Virtual conference 2021

This year's autumn conference of the German Lost Art Foundation will take place November 17-19, 2021, as a virtual conference and in cooperation with the Research Center for Material Culture, the research institute of the National Museum of World Cultures, the Netherlands. The topic is the often forgotten history of today's debate on the return of cultural goods and collections from colonial contexts.

In ad­di­tion to lec­tures by in­vit­ed speak­ers, this year it will al­so be pos­si­ble to ap­ply for par­tic­i­pa­tion with your own con­tri­bu­tion. The Dead­line has been ex­tend­ed un­til April 11, 2021. Please find the more de­tailed Call for Pa­pers.

It al­so con­tains all oth­er im­por­tant in­for­ma­tion. Please note: this year's con­fer­ence will be held in En­glish. If you have any ques­tions, please con­tact: con­fer­ence@kul­turgutver­