View into the exhibition
Nazi-looted cultural property

Exhibition on the Geipel collection

The museum in Schloss Hinterglauchau is showing the exhibition "Wer bist du – und wenn ja, woher?" [Who are you – and if so, where from?]

The Schloss Hinterglauchau museum and art collection presents an exhibition on provenance research into the Geipel Collection. Since the donation made by Dresden physician and patron Dr. Paul Geipel (1869-1956), the museum has been in possession of a collection of valuable Asian artefacts, bronzes, books, paintings, graphics, porcelain, sculpture and weapons. These have been the subject of provenance research since 2021 thanks to a grant awarded by the German Lost Art Foundation.

The aim is to find out whether the items are linked to confiscation as a result of persecution under National Socialist rule between1933 and 1945. But who did they belong to over the centuries? And why? And how did these objects eventually find their way into the museum’s collection? These and other questions are addressed in the exhibition Wer bist du – und wenn ja, woher? Provenienzforschung in der Sammlung Paul Geipel. [Who are you – and if so, where from? Provenance research into the Paul Geipel Collection]

Selected collection items and research documents such as auction catalogues, inventories, address books and art journals enable visitors to trace the paths that have been researched, thereby shedding light on the networks and relationships involved, the circumstances of the art trade and also the preferences of individual private collectors. In this way, the exhibition aims to create transparency regarding the status of research at the museum and promote an open approach to its own history.

The exhibition runs until 12 November 2023; for details, see:

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Exhibition "Wer bist du – und wenn ja, woher? Provenienzforschung in der Sammlung Paul Geipel" [Who are you – and if so, where from? Provenance research into the Paul Geipel Collection]