Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR

Koordinationsstelle Provenienzforschung in North Rhine-Westfalia publishes blog

On the occasion of Provenance Research Day, the newly founded Koordinationsstelle Provenienzforschung (coordination office for provenance research) in North Rhine-Westphalia (KPF.NRW) is publishing its

In it, the KPF.NRW team in­tends to pro­vide reg­u­lar up­dates on its ac­tiv­i­ties, de­tails of desider­a­ta and sources rel­e­vant to re­search, and in­for­ma­tion about projects and ini­tia­tives in the field of prove­nance re­search. The first post will ap­pear on 13 April 2022 at https://kpf­blog.hy­pothe­
For de­tails of the work done by KPF.NRW, see

The Ko­or­di­na­tion­sstelle Prove­nien­z­forschung in North Rhine-West­phalia (KPF.NRW) is a cen­tral ser­vice and ad­vi­so­ry of­fice es­tab­lished in Novem­ber 2020 by the Min­istry of Cul­ture and Sci­ence of the State of North Rhine-West­phalia in co­op­er­a­tion with the two re­gion­al as­so­ci­a­tions of the Rhineland and West­phalia-Lippe. Lo­cat­ed at LVR-Lan­desMu­se­um Bonn, it be­gan its work on 1 Jan­uary 2022 un­der the di­rec­tion of Jas­min Hart­mann. As a prac­ti­cal hub, the KPF.NRW will fo­cus on prove­nance re­lat­ing to con­fis­ca­tions that oc­curred as a re­sult of Na­tion­al So­cial­ist per­se­cu­tion, in the for­mer So­vi­et oc­cu­pa­tion zone (SBZ) and the Ger­man Demo­crat­ic Re­pub­lic (GDR) as well as dur­ing the colo­nial pe­ri­od. In North Rhine-West­phalia, the in­sti­tu­tion will serve all mu­se­ums, li­braries and archives, as well as pri­vate in­di­vid­u­als, the art trade and the com­mu­ni­ty in the field of prove­nance re­search.