Nazi-looted cultural property

New issue of "Provenienz & Forschung" published

The German Lost Art Foundation has published a new issue of the periodical "Provenienz & Forschung". Issue 1|2021 is about the topic "Libraries".

Hard­ly any cul­tur­al ob­ject can be col­lect­ed, trans­port­ed or giv­en away as eas­i­ly as a book. But books have al­so been con­fis­cat­ed, some­times on a large scale. Be­hind ev­ery loot­ed book lies a fate of per­se­cu­tion that must be ad­dressed. This book­let ex­am­ines prove­nance re­search in a wide va­ri­ety of Ger­man li­brary col­lec­tions, in­clud­ing manuscripts, mu­sic and maps. Above all, it presents ground­break­ing his­tor­i­cal con­text re­search on Nazi book theft.

The book­let can be or­dered from Sand­stein Ver­lag Dres­den as a print­ed book­let or down­load­ed as an e-book