Colonial contexts

“Prove­nance & Re­search” 2|2020 published in English

The Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has pub­lished “Prove­nance & Re­search” 2|2020 in En­glish: The Is­sue of the pe­ri­od­i­cal is about "Cul­tur­al Goods and Col­lec­tions from Colo­nial Con­texts".

Since 2018, a key ob­jec­tive of Ger­man cul­tur­al pol­i­tics has been to come to terms with the colo­nial pe­ri­od. For this pur­pose, the area of re­spon­si­bil­i­ty of the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion was ex­pand­ed with a new de­part­ment and fund­ing of­fered for re­search in the field of prove­nance re­search on »cul­tur­al goods and col­lec­tions from colo­nial con­texts« since 2019. This is­sue of­fers a first in­sight in­to cur­rent re­search per­spec­tives and in­tro­duces ma­jor par­tic­i­pants in the po­lit­i­cal and so­ci­etal de­bate.

The is­sue can be down­load­ed via Sand­stein Ver­lag Dres­den (6.50 Eu­ro).
E-Book 2|2020 En­glish