Provenance research on the museum’s Ringelnatz Collection, inventory cataloging

Funding area:
Nazi-looted cultural property
Funding recipient:
Kulturhistorisches Museum Wurzen
Federal state:
Type of project:
short-term project

The project aimed to determine the provenances of objects in the Joachim Ringelnatz Collection at the Kulturhistorisches Museum, which contains writings, pictures and photographs. These were to be recorded in printed form in an inventory catalog where possible. The starting point for the research activities was a diploma project involving the inventory documentation (2000) of the so-called Schirmer Collection, which came into the museum during the lifetime of J. Ringelnatzs wife (Leonharda Pieper née Muschelkalk) via Georg Schirmer, a friend of the family and collector from Halle. The Joachim Ringelnatz Collection was archived and digitized in its entirety in a scientific process. All autographs, publications, newspaper articles, photos, paintings, graphic prints and devotional objects were identified. This work was carried out by two students from Leipzig University of Applied Sciences (HTWK Leipzig). The next step is yet to be takenthis involves linking the individual writings and artifacts, as well as more extensive research into individual areas and bundles of objects with the aid of relevant archives in Germany (marine archives in Wilhelmshaven, Cuxhaven and Rostock/Warnemünde; archives/libraries in Leipzig, Halle, Munich, Hamburg, Berlin, Marbach and Dresden).

(c) Kulturhistorisches Museum Wurzen