Research on the painting “Nollendorfplatz” by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, 1912

Funding area:
Nazi-looted cultural property
Funding recipient:
Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin
Federal state:
Contact person:
Dr. Martina Weinland

PositionDirektorin Abt. Sammlung, verantwortlich für Provenienzrecherche

Tel.+49 (0) 30 240 02 167

Type of project:
short-term project

An anonymous tip-off about a possible restitution matter led to an extensive provenance investigation in 2008 with an art technology analysis of the painting Nollendorfplatz in the holdings of the Stadtmuseum Berlin. The painting had been acquired in 1988 at the Weyhe Gallery, New York, and had a verifiable provenance: its previous owner was Kurt Feldhäusser, Berlin (19331951). It was first suggested by Andrew Robison in 2003 that Feldhäusser, an art collector, had acquired Nollendorfplatz in 1933 from its owner, Max Fischer.

Ludwig and Rosy Fischer were well-known collectors of Expressionist art. After their deaths in 1922 and 1926, their two sons inherited their collection. Ernst emigrated to the United States in 1934, taking his share of the artworks with him. In 1931, Max had given a total of 58 items from the inherited collection, including a Kirchner street scene, to Ferdinand Möller on consignment. In 1938/39, Max Fischer also emigrated to the United States, where he died in 1954.

Two Fischer consignment lists (September 10/November 11) from 1931 are preserved in the Ferdinand Möller Archive in Berlin, together with a Kirchner street scene 1914. It is not known whether Feldhäusser obtained this from Möller. From 1923 until he died in 1945, Feldhäusser had compiled an outstanding collection of Expressionist art. Upon his death, ownership of the collection passed to his mother, who took the works to the United States in 1948. In New York, she sold a number of the worksincluding 16 Kirchner paintingsvia the Weyhe Gallery. The Weyhe itself acquired Nollendorfplatz in 1951.

In the literature on Kirchner, street scene is used 11 times as a working title for paintings. A street scene can be found on the Möller consignment list of November 1931the only document to provide evidence of the transfer of the painting from Max Fischer to Ferdinand Möller. The art technology analysis of the back of the painting in 2012 did not provide any information about the previous owners. The question therefore continues to remain unanswered whether the Nollendorfplatz owned by Feldhäusser is the street scene formerly owned by Max Fischer.

(c) Stiftung Stadtmuseum Berlin