Nazi-looted cultural property
Wartime losses

"Kunst und Profit. Museen und der französische Kunstmarkt im Zweiten Weltkrieg" published by de Gruyter.

"Kun­st und Prof­it. Museen und der franzö­sis­che Kun­st­markt im Zweit­en Weltkrieg" ("Art and prof­it. Mu­se­ums and the French art mar­ket in the Sec­ond World War") is the ti­tle of a Ger­man-French an­thol­o­gy now pub­lished by de Gruyter. The ed­i­tors of the an­thol­o­gy are art his­to­ri­ans Elis­a­beth Furtwän­gler and Mat­tes Lam­mert, while the fore­word is by Béné­dicte Savoy and Gilbert Lupfer.

Dur­ing the Sec­ond World War, it was not on­ly Adolf Hitler and Her­mann Göring who took ad­van­tage of the oc­cu­pa­tion of France to en­rich their art col­lec­tions. Due to the large sup­ply of works, not least from Jew­ish own­er­ship, and al­so the ad­van­ta­geous ex­change rate, the art mar­ket there of­fered favourable op­por­tu­ni­ties from which Ger­man mu­se­ums like­wise prof­it­ed sig­nif­i­cant­ly. French mu­se­ums such as the Lou­vre al­so ex­pand­ed their col­lec­tions dur­ing this pe­ri­od. While most of the ac­qui­si­tions of Ger­man mu­se­ums were resti­tut­ed af­ter the war and have since been ex­hib­it­ed in France, some have re­mained in col­lec­tions to this day and are on­ly now com­ing in­to the fo­cus of re­search. Based on case stud­ies, this an­thol­o­gy pro­vides the first over­all ac­count of the ac­tiv­i­ties un­der­tak­en by mu­se­ums dur­ing the Sec­ond World War from both a Ger­man and a French per­spec­tive – one of the largest re­lo­ca­tions of cul­tur­al as­sets of the 20th cen­tu­ry in Eu­rope.

Furtwän­gler, E. & Lam­mert, M. (2022). Kun­st und Prof­it: Museen und der franzö­sis­che Kun­st­markt im Zweit­en Weltkrieg. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
300 pages, 84 il­lus­tra­tions
The book can be or­dered from De Gruyter pub­lish­ing house and is al­so avail­able as an e-book un­der the DOI