Buch Provenienz & Forschung
Nazi-looted cultural property

New issue, new face: relaunch and new volume of Provenienz & Forschung

The Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has pub­lished a new is­sue of the pe­ri­od­i­cal Prove­nienz & Forschung: ac­com­pa­ny­ing the Foun­da­tion’s au­tumn con­fer­ence this year, the lat­est is­sue of the se­ries ex­plores the top­ic of "Pe­riph­eries".

The 2022 vol­ume sheds light on prove­nance re­search away from the big cities, promi­nent names and in­sti­tu­tions. The fo­cus here is on the work be­ing done at re­gion­al mu­se­ums, hith­er­to ne­glect­ed ob­jects and lit­tle ex­plored ar­eas of re­search. In or­der to broad­en the per­spec­tive on in­jus­tice and dis­pos­ses­sion, what ap­pears to be mere­ly at the pe­riph­ery is shift­ed to the cen­tre of at­ten­tion.

The new edi­tion sees a re­launch of the se­ries. The print­ed vol­ume can be or­dered from Sand­stein Ver­lag Dres­den (print edi­tion), and it is al­so avail­able as an open-ac­cess elec­tron­ic edi­tion for down­load at www.per­spec­tivia.net un­der the DOI https://doi.org/10.25360/01-2021-00036.

For de­tails of our au­tumn con­fer­ence Die Pe­riph­erie im Zen­trum. Vergessenes, Ver­drängtes und Ver­nach­läs­sigtes in der Prove­nien­z­forschung ("The pe­riph­ery at the cen­tre. What is for­got­ten, sup­pressed and ne­glect­ed in prove­nance re­search") from 13 to 15 Novem­ber 2022.

Provenienz & Forschung