Autograph collection belonging to Heinrich Spiero.
Nazi-looted cultural property

Hamburg State and University Library returns Nazi-looted property – and receives it as a gift

The spe­cial ex­hi­bi­tion Sehr er­freuliche Ver­mehrun­gen. Zur Suche nach NS-Raubgut in den Son­der­samm­lun­gen der Staats- und Uni­ver­sitäts­bib­lio­thek Ham­burg (“Very grat­i­fy­ing ad­di­tions. On the search for cul­tur­al prop­er­ty ex­pro­pri­at­ed as a re­sult of Na­tion­al So­cial­ist per­se­cu­tion in the spe­cial col­lec­tions at Ham­burg State and Uni­ver­si­ty Li­brary.”) end­ed last Thurs­day with a resti­tu­tion and a “dou­ble han­dover”. The li­brary pre­sent­ed more than 250 let­ters by the well-known Ham­burg writ­ers Detlev von Lilien­cron, Gus­tav Falke and Richard Dehmel to their right­ful own­ers.

Pur­chased at a Berlin auc­tion house in 1937, these unique items be­longed to the writ­er, lit­er­ary schol­ar and pas­sion­ate au­to­graph col­lec­tor Hein­rich Spiero (1876-1947). He was an im­por­tant fig­ure on the Ger­man lit­er­ary scene, ini­tial­ly in Ham­burg and then from 1918 on­wards in Berlin. Des­ti­tute as a re­sult of be­ing per­se­cut­ed as a Jew dur­ing the Nazi era, Hein­rich Spiero was forced to sell many items from his col­lec­tion in 1937 – in­clud­ing the au­to­graphs pre­served in the Ham­burg li­brary.

The fact that the valu­able col­lec­tion will nev­er­the­less re­main with Ham­burg State and Uni­ver­si­ty Li­brary is due to a gen­er­ous ges­ture by Spiero’s heirs, who de­cid­ed to do­nate the resti­tut­ed au­to­graphs to the li­brary along with oth­er ob­jects be­long­ing to the fam­i­ly. The heirs were present at the clos­ing event and car­ried out the resti­tu­tion and do­na­tion to­geth­er with Robert Zepf, Di­rec­tor of the State and Uni­ver­si­ty Li­brary.

Autograph collection belonging to Heinrich Spiero.