Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR

Advanced training programme on library provenance research: registration by 10 March 2023

For the sec­ond time, the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion and the Ger­man Li­brary As­so­ci­a­tion are spon­sor­ing the cer­tifi­cate course on li­brary prove­nance re­search of­fered by the Cen­ter for Con­tin­u­ing Ed­u­ca­tion at the Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Berlin. The Com­mis­sion for Prove­nance Re­search and Prove­nance Cat­a­logu­ing of the Ger­man Li­brary As­so­ci­a­tion (dbv) is re­spon­si­ble for the con­tent of the course.

In three mod­ules to be held in April, May and June 2023, ex­pert lec­tur­ers will pro­vide the­o­ret­i­cal and prac­ti­cal train­ing on the sub­ject of prove­nance re­search in li­braries. The main fo­cus will be on iden­ti­fy­ing of books and li­braries seized as a re­sult of Nazi per­se­cu­tion. The top­ics cov­ered are of prac­ti­cal rel­e­vance to the in­sti­tu­tions to be vis­it­ed: Berlin State Li­brary, Zentral- und Landesbibliothek Berlin (ZLB), the Li­brary of the Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Berlin and the Akade­mie der Künste, Berlin.

The ad­vanced train­ing pro­gramme in li­brary prove­nance re­search is aimed at em­ploy­ees of all li­brary sec­tors with col­lec­tions pub­lished pri­or to 1945 (aca­dem­ic and pub­lic li­braries, spe­cial­ist li­braries, ec­cle­si­as­ti­cal and pri­vate li­braries), em­ploy­ees of cul­tur­al her­itage in­sti­tu­tions which have print­ed ma­te­ri­al pub­lished pri­or to 1945 (archives, mu­se­ums, re­search in­sti­tu­tions), an­ti­quar­i­an book­sellers and em­ploy­ees of auc­tion hous­es.

Those in­ter­est­ed can reg­is­ter through the Cen­ter for Con­tin­u­ing Ed­u­ca­tion at the Freie Uni­ver­si­tät Berlin up un­til 10 March 2023 at­er­bil­dung