
We report on the latest developments in provenance research and on projects funded by the Foundation, as well as offering details of important new publications, exhibitions and conferences and reporting on restitutions. Feel free to send in interesting news relating to the field of provenance research to

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Nazi-looted cultural property
The Gustav Lübcke Museum in Hamm has begun investigating the provenance of 70 selected paintings and graphic works. In 2016, two objects from the collection were clearly identified as cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution and returned to the descendants of the former owners in 2019.
Colonial contexts
The con­fer­ence, "The Long His­to­ry of Claims for the Re­turn of Cul­tur­al Her­itage from Colo­nial Con­texts" will be held online on Novem­ber 17-19, 2021 in cooperation with the Prus­sian Cul­tur­al Her­itage Foun­da­tion and The Re­search Cen­ter for Ma­te­ri­al Cul­ture of the Na­tion­al Mu­se­um of World Cul­tures, the Nether­lands.
Popular “Monatsblätter”, Jewish Museum of Westphalia.
Nazi-looted cultural property
On September 2, the Jewish Museum of Westphalia returned a historical book to the Jewish Community of Frankfurt am Main. The manuscript was identified as belonging to the library of the former Israelite Community of Frankfurt am Main as part of a research project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation.
The von Klemperer family at Wiener Straße 25 (from left: Victor, Gustav with Peter Ralph, Charlotte with Sophie Charlotte, Sophie, Frieda with Lily, Ralph Leopold (seated), Herbert Otto), approx. 1911
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden have published the project results for the reconstruction of the porcelain collection of the Dresden banker Gustav von Klemperer online on their own website after a project duration of two years.
Nazi-looted cultural property
On June 1, 2021, the Stiftung Hamburger Kunstsammlungen began working together with the Hamburger Kunsthalle to clarify the provenance of 45 works of art that, even after intensive provenance research, still show gaps in their provenance with regard to possible Nazi-looted art and are, therefore, to be classified as questionable.
Colonial contexts
The conference, "The Long History of Claims for the Return of Cultural Heritage from Colonial Contexts," will be held from November 17-19, 2021 as a virtual conference in cooperation with the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and The Research Center for Material Culture of the National Museum of World Cultures, the Netherlands.
The network entitled “Kompetenznetzwerk Kulturgutschutz in Deutschland – NEXUD” is now in place to help combat the trade in looted and otherwise illegally imported cultural property. It pools scientific expertise at universities, non-university research institutions and cultural property preservation institutions – giving federal and state authorities systematized access to scientific expertise, in order to identify ancient or archaeological cultural property.
Nazi-looted cultural property
At Hamburg’s Museum am Rothenbaum – Kulturen und Künste der Welt (MARKK), a provenance research project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation began in June 2021. In this context, the inventory groups “Object transfers held by public institutions after 1945” and “Judaica objects” are the subject of examination, as well as the clarification of ownership status relating to previously identified individual bundles.
Colonial contexts
On Monday, July 5, 2021, historian Jeremy Silvester succumbed to his battle with COVID-19 in Windhoek. His death is inconceivable and shakes us deeply – professionally and personally.
Ceremony for the handover of human remains to a delegation from the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa at Übersee-Museum Bremen
Colonial contexts
The Deutscher Museumsbund has published a new guide on handling human remains in museums and collections. It offers clear regulations and tools for museums and collections and aims to raise awareness of the ethical dimension in dealing with this sensitive collection material.

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