Nazi-looted cultural property

Aschersleben Museum begins research on Masonic objects

The Städtisches Museum in Aschersleben has begun researching its Masonic holdings. In a six-month project funded by the German Lost Art Foundation, all Masonic objects in the museum will be located and examined for their provenance.

Since 1955, the As­ch­er­sleben Mu­se­um has been us­ing the house of the Ma­son­ic Lodge "Zu den drei Klee­blät­tern," which has been lo­cat­ed in As­ch­er­sleben am Markt since 1798. In 1935, the lodge was ex­pro­pri­at­ed by the Na­tion­al So­cial­ists and re­ac­ti­vat­ed al­most 60 years lat­er. The lodge house has since been owned by the Grand Lodge of Freema­sons of Ger­many, but con­tin­ues to house the mu­se­um. The tem­ple can be vis­it­ed dur­ing the mu­se­um tour and is thus the on­ly lodge tem­ple in Ger­many that is per­ma­nent­ly open to the pub­lic. In ad­di­tion to ex­hibits on the his­to­ry of the city, pre­his­to­ry and ear­ly his­to­ry, there are 90 Ma­son­ic ob­jects in the build­ing. How­ev­er, there is a sus­pi­cion that fur­ther lodge ob­jects could be an un­rec­og­nized part of the cur­rent mu­se­um col­lec­tion. For ob­jects with a proven con­nec­tion to the As­ch­er­sleben Lodge of St. John, a fair and eq­ui­table so­lu­tion ac­cord­ing to the "Wash­ing­ton Prin­ci­ples" is to be found in the course of the prove­nance re­search that has now be­gun.