Website of the German Contact Point for Collections from Colonial Contexts
Colonial contexts

German Contact Point for Collections from Colonial Contexts publishes list of Benin bronzes

Information on Benin bronzes held in German museums can now be found at the central web address On the website of the “German Contact Point for Collections from Colonial Contexts”, the museums will document the provenances of these objects until the end of 2021 and make them publicly accessible. The office is located within Germany’s Kulturstiftung der Länder.

The pub­li­ca­tion is based on a joint de­ci­sion of the Min­is­ter of State for Cul­ture and the Me­dia, Moni­ka Grüt­ters, the ex­ec­u­tive man­age­ment func­tion of the Ger­man mem­ber mu­se­ums of the Benin Di­a­logue Group, the re­spec­tive Min­is­ters of Cul­ture of the Fed­er­al States re­spon­si­ble for these mu­se­ums and the Fed­er­al For­eign Of­fice of 29 April 2021. The pub­li­ca­tion en­sures the great­est pos­si­ble trans­paren­cy ac­cord­ing to Moni­ka Grüt­ters: “This reaf­firms our will­ing­ness to en­gage in a di­a­log with the Nige­ri­an side to fa­cil­i­tate both sub­stan­tial re­turns of Benin bronzes and for­ward-look­ing co­op­er­a­tion on this is­sue.”

In the in­ven­to­ry overview of Benin bronzes, the ini­tial fo­cus is on the mem­ber mu­se­ums of the Benin Di­a­logue Group. These in­clude the Eth­nol­o­gis­ches Mu­se­um, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin Eth­no­log­i­cal Mu­se­um of the Na­tion­al Mu­se­ums in Berlin, the Lin­den Mu­se­um in Stuttgart, the Mu­se­um am Rothen­baum – Kul­turen und Kün­ste der Welt in Ham­burg, the Raut­en­strauch-Joest-Mu­se­um in Cologne, and the Eth­nol­o­gis­che Museen of Staatliche Kun­st­samm­lun­gen in Leipzig and Dres­den. Ini­tial­ly, a to­tal of 1127 ob­jects are pre­sent­ed in the database. These will be grad­u­al­ly ex­pand­ed to in­clude in­for­ma­tion from oth­er in­sti­tu­tions. The sur­vey in­cludes art ob­jects from the Roy­al Court of the King­dom of Benin that were loot­ed from the Roy­al Palace of Benin by the British Army in 1897 and are now kept in mu­se­ums in Ger­many.

In the medi­um term, as part of the “3-way strat­e­gy” agreed up­on by the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment, the Fed­er­al States and mu­nic­i­pal um­brel­la or­ga­ni­za­tions, an in­de­pen­dent por­tal for col­lec­tion items from colo­nial con­texts is to be cre­at­ed with­in the Ger­man Dig­i­tal Li­brary, through which all Benin bronzes held in Ger­man in­sti­tu­tions, as well as oth­er col­lec­tions from colo­nial con­texts, will be ac­ces­si­ble on­line.
For more in­for­ma­tion on this of­fice, please vis­it:

Website of the German Contact Point for Collections from Colonial Contexts