Nazi-looted cultural property

Gustav Lübcke Museum in Hamm explores 70 selected paintings and graphics

The Gustav Lübcke Museum in Hamm has begun investigating the provenance of 70 selected paintings and graphic works. In 2016, two objects from the collection were clearly identified as cultural property seized as a result of Nazi persecution and returned to the descendants of the former owners in 2019.

The basis for comprehensive scientific research into the collection was the project “Provenienzforschung in NRW” carried out in 2019 in close cooperation between the regional associations Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe and the Landschaftsverband Rheinland in various museums.

The re­sults of the in­ves­ti­ga­ti­on re­vea­led that a scien­ti­fic reap­prai­sal is ne­cessa­ry at the Gu­stav Lüb­cke Mu­se­um, as the pro­ve­nance of nu­me­rous pie­ces – espe­ci­al­ly from the years 1933 to 1945 – is un­cle­ar. Thanks to fun­ding from the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­ti­on, the pro­ject en­tit­led “Ver­dachts­fäl­le im Gu­stav-Lüb­cke-Mu­se­um. Er­for­schung ih­rer Pro­ve­ni­enz”, which has be­en run­ning sin­ce Au­gust 2021, the pro­ve­nances of 70 se­lec­ted pain­tings and gra­phic works from the ac­ces­si­on years 1933 to 1962 are being sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly ex­ami­ned. The pro­ject re­sults will be en­te­red in­to a col­lec­ti­on da­ta­ba­se and pu­blis­hed on­line. Fur­ther­mo­re, the­re is a plan to pre­sent the re­se­arch re­sults in an ex­hi­bi­ti­on with an ac­com­pa­ny­ing pu­bli­ca­ti­on and, de­pen­ding on the re­sults, a sym­po­si­um at the Gu­stav-Lüb­cke-Mu­se­um.
Pro­ject de­s­crip­ti­on