Erlangen Antikensammlung
Nazi-looted cultural property

Institute for Classical Archaeology at the University of Erlangen examines objects from the Collection of Classical Antiquities

Attic ceramic fragments and other ancient objects are the focus of a provenance research project that has begun at the Institute of Classical Archaeology at the Friedrich Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and is funded by the German Lost Art Foundation. In the course of another research project, it had come to light that many of the red-figure clay shards from the local antiquities collection had been purchased in 1939 by a private Munich collection called "Dehn," which had hitherto been unknown to researchers.

Ini­tial re­search re­vealed that it was not, as pre­vi­ous­ly thought, a sale from the es­tate of a col­lec­tor by his sup­posed "wid­ow" Wiltrud Dehn, but that the ob­jects were sold dur­ing the life­time of the col­lec­tor Georg Dehn. Dehn was per­se­cut­ed as a Jew un­der Na­tion­al So­cial­ism, and the ob­jects were sold in the name of his "Aryan" wife be­fore the fam­i­ly fled to Ecuador six months lat­er.

Ev­i­dence can be found that Georg Dehn (1887-1967) and the then head of the Col­lec­tion of Clas­si­cal An­tiq­ui­ties and Pro­fes­sor of Clas­si­cal Ar­chae­ol­o­gy Georg Lip­pold (1885-1954) knew each oth­er from their time to­geth­er at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Mu­nich be­fore the First World War. Doc­u­ments in the Archive of the Col­lec­tion of Clas­si­cal An­tiq­ui­ties show that Lip­pold al­so pri­vate­ly ac­quired ob­jects from the Dehn Col­lec­tion in 1939. A short time lat­er, he sold them on to the Col­lec­tion of Clas­si­cal An­tiq­ui­ties, which he him­self head­ed.
The cir­cum­stances as­cer­tained so far sug­gest that Georg Dehn sold his col­lec­tion be­cause he had to flee per­se­cu­tion by the Nazi regime. The back­ground has not yet been ful­ly re­searched or doc­u­ment­ed; the prove­nance re­search project is in­tend­ed to close this gap.

Re­sults of the re­search project will be pre­sent­ed by Dr Georg Ger­leign­er in a lec­ture at the Er­lan­gen Ar­chae­o­log­i­cal Col­lo­qui­um on Ju­ly 15, 2021, more in­for­ma­tion can be found at: http://www.klas­sis­c­hearchae­olo­­jek­te/die-pri­vat­samm­lung-georg-dehn-und-die-an­tiken­samm­lung-er­lan­gen/