Nazi-looted cultural property

Jewish Museum of Westphalia opens exhibition on provenance research

The Jewish Museum of Westphalia will open an exhibition on provenance research titled "In Search of Lost Identity" on June 27.

Since June 2020, the mu­se­um in Dorsten, North Rhine-West­phalia, has been re­search­ing the prove­nance of its Ju­daica ac­quired at auc­tions as part of a project fund­ed by the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion. It is not un­com­mon for the sus­pi­cion to grow that these are ob­jects that were con­fis­cat­ed from their Jew­ish own­ers be­tween 1933 and 1945, forcibly sold, or left be­hind dur­ing de­por­ta­tion.

The ex­hi­bi­tion us­es se­lect­ed cas­es to pro­vide in­for­ma­tion about the ori­gin of in­di­vid­u­al ob­jects in the col­lec­tion. It ad­dress­es the theft of books from per­se­cut­ed per­sons, the de­pri­va­tion of pre­cious Jew­ish rit­u­al ob­jects, the where­abouts of lost col­lec­tions, and resti­tu­tion mea­sures af­ter 1945, and thus aims to con­vey the so­cial rel­e­vance of prove­nance re­search.

The show is on dis­play un­til Au­gust 31, 2021; more in­for­ma­tion about the mu­se­um can be found on its home­page at