“Kompetenznetzwerk Kulturgutschutz in Deutschland - NEXUD” launched to combat illegal trade in cultural property

The network entitled “Kompetenznetzwerk Kulturgutschutz in Deutschland – NEXUD” is now in place to help combat the trade in looted and otherwise illegally imported cultural property. It pools scientific expertise at universities, non-university research institutions and cultural property preservation institutions – giving federal and state authorities systematized access to scientific expertise, in order to identify ancient or archaeological cultural property.

In do­ing so, de­ci­sions can be made more quick­ly on the ini­ti­a­tion of in­ves­tiga­tive pro­ceed­ings or on the seizure of ob­jects. NEX­UD is be­ing im­ple­ment­ed by the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment Com­mis­sion­er for Cul­ture and the Me­dia and the Kul­turs­tiftung der Län­der, ini­tial­ly with a pi­lot phase span­ning three years.

The il­le­gal trade in cul­tur­al as­sets is a crime, ac­cord­ing to Moni­ka Grüt­ters, Min­is­ter of State for Cul­ture: “Com­bat­ing it in day-to-day prac­tice al­ways rais­es high­ly com­plex, in­ter­dis­ci­plinary ques­tions for the in­ves­ti­gat­ing au­thor­i­ties. Their em­ploy­ees, there­fore, need prompt, re­li­able an­swers from the sci­en­tif­ic com­mu­ni­ty in un­clear cas­es.” NEX­UD should al­so make it eas­i­er to im­ple­ment the Cul­tur­al Prop­er­ty Pro­tec­tion Act.

Ac­cord­ing to Pro­fes­sor Markus Hilgert, Sec­re­tary Gen­er­al of the Kul­turs­tiftung der Län­der, the iden­ti­fi­ca­tion and clas­si­fi­ca­tion of those ob­jects con­cerned re­quires an ex­traor­di­nar­i­ly broad knowl­edge from nu­mer­ous dis­ci­plines: “In Ger­many, we are for­tu­nate to have ex­perts in al­most all fields and can, there­fore, draw on a wide range of re­sources. In the NEX­UD net­work, sci­en­tists from all dis­ci­plines are avail­able to pre­pare ex­pert re­ports in stan­dard­ized pro­ce­dures.
For more in­for­ma­tion, vis­it www.kul­turs­tiftung.de