Provenance research on the Benin artefacts at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen

Funding area:
Colonial contexts
Funding recipient:
Curt-Engelhorn-Stiftung für die Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen
Federal state:
Contact person:
Dr. Sarah Nelly Friedland

PositionDirektorin Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, Mannheim

Type of project:
short-term project

This project aims to identify, investigate and research all those artefacts in the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, ethnographic collection of the department of World Cultures and Natural History, which can be associated with the historical kingdom of Benin and the context of the looting of Benin City by British troops in 1897. Based on a preselection of 66 artefacts from Benin this short-term project intends to identify and to carry out provenance research on those artefacts directly linked to these events by way of their iconography, time of acquisition, well-known affinity of the respective dealers, collectors and auctioneers as well as written and photographic documentation including direct evidence like (British) engravings on the artefacts themselves. So far only the last previous owners are known in most cases; however, this project will intensify its research here and will try to retrace all steps of ownership as far as possible based on the research about the acquisition policy of the museum, contacts to artefacts dealers, collectors and auction houses, decisions of the city council, correspondences, publications and archival research in other museums and other museum and city archives as well. This way and by way of a wider scientific network a deeper understanding will be gained not only about the Benin Bronzes at the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen, but also about the research and discussions concerning the Benin Bronzes in European museums and collections in general. The results of the provenance research will also serve as a basis for discussions about restitutions.

(c) Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen.