
We report on the latest developments in provenance research and on projects funded by the Foundation, as well as offering details of important new publications, exhibitions and conferences and reporting on restitutions. Feel free to send in interesting news relating to the field of provenance research to

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Soviet zone / GDR
The Berlin Com­mis­sion­er for the Reap­praisal of the SED Dic­ta­tor­ship has com­mis­sioned the re­search in­sti­tute Facts & Files to pre­pare a study on hold­ings of So­vi­et Oc­cu­pa­tion Zone/GDR prove­nance. The pur­pose of the study is to re­search and reap­praise the SED dic­ta­tor­ship as well pro­vid­ing sup­port for the archives in the state of Berlin in meet­ing the chal­lenges posed by mod­ern archive work.
Partnership between SPK and Museums Association of Namibia: 23 objects travel from Berlin to Namibia
Colonial contexts
23 ob­jects from the col­lec­tion of the Eth­no­log­i­cal Mu­se­um of the Na­tion­al Mu­se­ums in Berlin will trav­el to Namib­ia this Fri­day, 27 May, in con­nec­tion with the re­search project Con­fronting Colo­nial Pasts, En­vi­sion­ing Cre­ative Fu­tures, which is be­ing un­der­tak­en in part­ner­ship with the Mu­se­ums As­so­ci­a­tion of Namib­ia (MAN).
Nazi-looted cultural property
Last Fri­day, the Lord May­or of the City of Hanover, Klara Berlin­er’s heirs and the Man­fred Berlin­er Trust signed an agree­ment on the resti­tu­tion of a Ro­co­co cab­i­net and a needle­work board that be­longed to Klara Berlin­er.
Dr. Jorge Feuchtwanger (heir) and Dr. Mathias Weniger (Head of Provenenz Research at the Bavarian National Museums) with one of the restituted items of silverware.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Last Fri­day, the Di­rec­tor Gen­er­al of the Bavar­i­an Na­tion­al Mu­se­um, Dr. Frank Matthias Kam­mel, hand­ed over five items of sil­ver­ware orig­i­nal­ly owned by Therese Lipp­mann, Ol­ga Maier and Dr. Karl Son­nen­thal to the lat­ter’s heirs.
The Min­is­ter of State for Cul­ture and the Me­dia and the Fed­er­al Min­istry of Jus­tice, to­geth­er with ex­perts from ad­min­is­tra­tion and those work­ing in the field, have pro­duced an up­dat­ed com­pi­la­tion of in­for­ma­tion to sup­port pub­lic pros­e­cu­tors, the po­lice force, cus­toms of­fi­cials and cul­tur­al ad­min­is­tra­tions in their prac­ti­cal work in the area of cul­tur­al prop­er­ty pro­tec­tion.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
On the occasion of Provenance Research Day, the newly founded Koordinationsstelle Provenienzforschung (coordination office for provenance research) in North Rhine-Westphalia (KPF.NRW) is publishing its
Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
In­ter­na­tion­al Prove­nance Re­search Day is due to take place for the fourth time on 13 April 2022. So far, more than 95 cul­tur­al in­sti­tu­tions from Ger­many, France, the Nether­lands, Aus­tria, Switzer­land and the USA have reg­is­tered their par­tic­i­pa­tion, ac­cord­ing to the Ar­beit­skreis prove­nien­z­forschung (Prove­nance Re­search As­so­ci­a­tion).
Four of these ornamental façade stones were found in the attic of the museum during the research process.
Nazi-looted cultural property
As­ch­er­sleben Mu­nic­i­pal Mu­se­um is to resti­tute sev­en­teen ob­jects to the lo­cal Ma­son­ic lodge Zu den drei Klee­blät­tern on 13 April 2022, this year’s Prove­nance Re­search Day. The mu­se­um has been housed at the lodge premis­es since 1955 and con­tains 109 Ma­son­ic ob­jects. The prove­nance of the ob­jects was in­ves­ti­gat­ed as part of a re­search project fund­ed by the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion.
To introduce the work of the foundation while embedding it into a European context, the German Lost Art Foundation is pleased to invite you to a digital information event about its initiatives.
Nazi-looted cultural property
Colonial contexts
Wartime losses
Soviet zone / GDR
The fourth round of the mas­ter’s de­gree pro­gramme “Prove­nance Re­search and the His­to­ry of Col­lect­ing” is due to be­gin at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Bonn in the win­ter semester of 2022/23: Those in­ter­est­ed can choose be­tween the fol­low­ing dates: 02.05-31.05.2022 and 22.08-29.08.2022.