
We report on the latest developments in provenance research and on projects funded by the Foundation, as well as offering details of important new publications, exhibitions and conferences and reporting on restitutions. Feel free to send in interesting news relating to the field of provenance research to

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Nazi-looted cultural property
Wartime losses
"Kun­st und Prof­it. Museen und der franzö­sis­che Kun­st­markt im Zweit­en Weltkrieg" ("Art and prof­it. Mu­se­ums and the French art mar­ket in the Sec­ond World War") is the ti­tle of a Ger­man-French an­thol­o­gy now pub­lished by de Gruyter. The ed­i­tors of the an­thol­o­gy are art his­to­ri­ans Elis­a­beth Furtwän­gler and Mat­tes Lam­mert, while the fore­word is by Béné­dicte Savoy and Gilbert Lupfer.
Buch Provenienz & Forschung
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion has pub­lished a new is­sue of the pe­ri­od­i­cal Prove­nienz & Forschung: ac­com­pa­ny­ing the Foun­da­tion’s au­tumn con­fer­ence this year, the lat­est is­sue of the se­ries ex­plores the top­ic of "Pe­riph­eries".
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Lieber­mann Vil­la on Lake Wannsee has opened the ex­hi­bi­tion When art­works speak. Prove­nance re­search on the col­lec­tion of the Lieber­mann Vil­la. The col­lec­tion has been as­sem­bled since the 1990s and to­day com­pris­es more than 200 ob­jects, most of them hav­ing be­longed to Max Lieber­mann.
Autograph collection belonging to Heinrich Spiero.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The spe­cial ex­hi­bi­tion Sehr er­freuliche Ver­mehrun­gen. Zur Suche nach NS-Raubgut in den Son­der­samm­lun­gen der Staats- und Uni­ver­sitäts­bib­lio­thek Ham­burg (“Very grat­i­fy­ing ad­di­tions. On the search for cul­tur­al prop­er­ty ex­pro­pri­at­ed as a re­sult of Na­tion­al So­cial­ist per­se­cu­tion in the spe­cial col­lec­tions at Ham­burg State and Uni­ver­si­ty Li­brary.”) end­ed last Thurs­day with a resti­tu­tion and a “dou­ble han­dover”. The li­brary pre­sent­ed more than 250 let­ters by the well-known Ham­burg writ­ers Detlev von Lilien­cron, Gus­tav Falke and Richard Dehmel to their right­ful own­ers.
Room at the Museum of Fine Arts Bern exhibition "Taking stock. Gurlitt in review"
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Mu­se­um of Fine Arts Bern has opened the ex­hi­bi­tion "Tak­ing stock. Gurlitt in re­view", which can be seen un­til 15 Jan­uary 2023.
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Mu­se­um of City His­to­ry Leipzig presents the re­sults of its prove­nance re­search on Nazi-loot­ed art in the pub­li­ca­tion Vergessene Rück(an)sicht­en (“For­got­ten ret­ro­spec­tives”). In the project fund­ed by the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion from 2019 to 2022, the mu­se­um con­duct­ed re­search in­to ac­qui­si­tions made be­tween 1933 and 1945, ex­am­in­ing a to­tal of 323 works of art for pos­si­ble un­law­ful ac­qui­si­tion. From De­cem­ber 2022, a new project prove­nance re­search will fo­cus on oth­er se­lect­ed hold­ings from this pe­ri­od.
Berend-Lehmann-Museum Halberstadt
Nazi-looted cultural property
This Novem­ber, the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion is once again hold­ing its an­nu­al au­tumn con­fer­ence: the dig­i­tal con­fer­ence en­ti­tled Die Pe­riph­erie im Zen­trum. Vergessenes, Ver­drängtes und Ver­nach­läs­sigtes in der Prove­nien­z­forschung (“The pe­riph­ery at the cen­tre. What gets for­got­ten, re­pressed and ne­glect­ed in prove­nance re­search”) on 14 and 15 Novem­ber will fo­cus on prove­nance re­search be­yond the ma­jor cities and in­sti­tu­tions – in the coun­try­side, in bor­der re­gions and in small­er mu­se­ums.
Colonial contexts
Her­mann Parzinger, Pres­i­dent of the Prus­sian Cul­tur­al Her­itage Foun­da­tion (SPK), and Ab­ba Isa Ti­jani, Di­rec­tor Gen­er­al of the Na­tion­al Com­mis­sion for Mu­se­ums and Mon­u­ments (NCMM), last week signed a con­tract on the trans­fer of own­er­ship of the Benin ob­jects from the col­lec­tion of the Eth­no­log­i­cal Mu­se­um of the Na­tion­al Mu­se­ums in Berlin – Prus­sian Cul­tur­al Her­itage to Nige­ria.
Provenance research on technical cultural property at the Deutsches Optisches Museum. Dr. Sören Groß conducts an object autopsy on a wooden peep-box acquired in 1936 (Inv. No. 8736100037154).
Nazi-looted cultural property
The Stiftung Deutsches Op­tis­ches Mu­se­um in Je­na has pub­lished an an­thol­o­gy based on the on­line work­shop held on 23 Septem­ber 2021 en­ti­tled His­torische Tech­nis­che In­stru­mente. Zirku­la­tion, Ansamm­lun­gen und Doku­mente des Entzugs zwis­chen 1933 und 1945 (“His­tor­i­cal tech­ni­cal in­stru­ments. Cir­cu­la­tion, col­lec­tions and doc­u­ments re­lat­ing to con­fis­ca­tion be­tween 1933 and 1945”). The as­so­ci­at­ed prove­nance re­search project IN­SIGHT D.O.M. – Prove­nien­zrecherchen zu Käufen, Schenkun­gen und Über­nah­men am Deutschen Op­tis­chen Mu­se­um zwis­chen 1933 und 1945 (“Prove­nance re­search on pur­chas­es, do­na­tions and ac­qui­si­tions at the Ger­man Op­ti­cal Mu­se­um be­tween 1933 and 1945”) is fund­ed by the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion.
Igor Poronyk, Director of the Odessa Museum of Western and Eastern Art, meeting Prof. Gilbert Lupfer and Dr. Michael Franz in Magdeburg (left to right)
Wartime losses
On Mon­day, 8 Au­gust 2022, Mr. Ig­or Poronyk, Di­rec­tor of the Odessa Mu­se­um of West­ern and East­ern Art, vis­it­ed the Ger­man Lost Art Foun­da­tion in Magde­burg.