Abendvortrag „Lost, Found or Vanished. Three Cases of Persian Carpet Provenance in the Lands of the Former Habsburg Empire“

Auditorium der James-Simon-Galerie | Besuchereingang Erdgeschoss, Bodestraße, 10178 Berlin
Institut für Kunstgeschichte und Musikwissenschaft | Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin und Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste

This talk explores the trajectories of early-modern Persian carpets with contested provenance records. Against a complex socio-cultural backdrop of post-Habsburg Central Europe, it traces the network of object sharing among dealers, private collectors and state institutions through three case studies concerning Vienna, Kraków and Budapest.

Öffentlicher Abendvortrag in englischer Sprache
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Abendvortrag „Lost, Found or Vanished. Three Cases of Persian Carpet Provenance in the Lands of the Former Habsburg Empire“