„Kolloquium Provenienzforschung“ zum Buch „Kunst voor das Reich / Le trésor de guerre des nazis“

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Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste

Am Montag, 2. September 2024, 18 Uhr, präsentiert Geert Sels sein Buch „Kunst voor das Reich / Le trésor de guerre des nazis“.

Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt:

For a few decades the research on Nazi-looted art was neglected in Belgium. That’s the situation Geert Sels, journalist at the culture desk of the Belgian newspaper “De Standaard”, encountered when he started to do research after the Gurlitt affair. “To my embarrassment I found out that Belgium did not have databases, no restitution commission and neither conducted research – although the country had paintings in its museums that came back from Nazi-Germany.”

After eight years of research Sels wrote the book “Kunst voor das Reich” in which he thoroughly depicts the history of how the Nazis acquired art in Belgium. As a result, a lot of information came to the fore that is now available for further research. One of the conclusions is that the impact is not restricted to the Belgian borders. The book has been published in Dutch and French and now plays an important role in the public discourse.

Kunst voor das Reich. Op zoek naar naziroofkunst uit België.
Geert Sels, Lannoo, 2022
EAN/ISBN: 9789401428743

Le trésor de guerre des nazis. Enquête sur le pillage d'art en Belgique.
Geert Sels, Racine, 2023
EAN/ ISBN: 9782390252184

Die Veranstaltung findet als Videokonferenz über Webex statt. Die Teilnahme ist kostenfrei, jedoch nur nach Anmeldung bis 30. August 2024 möglich. Die Teilnehmer:innen erhalten am Tag der Veranstaltung die Zugangsdaten.

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